June Author Interview Answer #5: “What makes you feel good writing a thriller/mystery novel? ”

We are now coming to the second question of the June Author Interview series. We had posted the answer for the first question recently. If  you have not read the post, do it so now to learn more about them. So, it’s time to check out the answers for the 5th question from the Murder Mystery/Thriller/Suspense/Horror genre participating in the group interview. “What makes you feel good writing a thriller/mystery novel? “
Just in case if you are wondering who we are interviewing this month, you can check out this link and get all your author friends from The Memoirs/Biography genre to participate in the next group interview.
1) Author #1: J. J. DiBenedetto
Getting the plot to come together in a way that’s satisfying and that makes sense.  I’m much more of a “pantser” than a plotter, so it’s always a pleasant surprise when I get to the end and things actually work out the way they need to!
2) Author #2: Fran Veal
I think that would be knowing I’m going to keep someone up at night reading it, hopefully freaking them out, and finally, giving them an opportunity to experience something that, hopefully, they would never have to face in real life.
3) Author #3: Jim Strait
 I like coming up with unlikely and extreme circumstances. Also, my military background allows me to write about men and women who have learned the importance of laboring for something larger than them and I like building characters that the readers can admire. I also like developing unique technologies that solve difficult problems. I guess on the whole I pretty content with the outcome of my works. I’m an author in progress…each work is a bit better than the previous and that is one realistic way of measuring success and happiness.  Probably, if we could magically know all of the worlds history we’d learn that none of us are actually writing anything totally new…but so far as it relates to my novels stories, I seem to be creating unique tales and that feels pretty satisfying.
4) Author #4: Kelli Sue Landon
It gets my blood pumping. When conflict arises, so does my excitement!
What do you think is so exciting about mystery novels? I look forward to reading your comments below.
Next, we will be revealing the answers for question #6 which is “Where do you get your inspiration to write your stories?”
Stay tuned for the next post! Thank you! 🙂

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