Sexy Six Authors Q&A #5: There was recently a message on ‘Books and Writers’ saying ‘please stop giving your books away’. What do you feel about this?

This post would be the continuation of Q&A session with the Sexy Six team and in case you’ve missed the forth one, here is the link to it.

It’s a pleasure to interview the six sexy authors from the Sexy Six team. A warm welcome to our blog and we hope that you’ve enjoyed the interview session with us.

We’ve asked them a few questions and the answers for each question from all six of them will be published as a series. Let’s check out question #5

There was recently a message on ‘Books and Writers’ saying ‘please stop giving your books away’. What do you feel about this?

Chris Lange 

Authors create their books. Giving them away or not is their choice.

Leanore Elliott

Well, I have officialy given away 35,000 books, so EEK….LMAO !

Jennifer Theriot

While you want to make money from the sale of your books, there is a certain amount of ‘Goodwill’, that is necessary to market a product – any product. So I’d have to disagree. I give my books away all the time and will continue to do so – within reason, of course.

Maggie Nash

The theory is hat you generate an audience this way, but in reality I haven’t noticed it.  There is a core group of people out there who never pay for books, but don’t necessarily even review the free books.   It’s a bit disheartening when you spend months on the writing, editing and production of a book, give it away in a competition or for a review, and then you get little back.  So I am now I. Agreement with their message…

Morticia Knight

Everyone has so many different takes on this. I believe in giving out free samples – this is a tried and true marketing technique. I also believe that if you’re writing a series, offering the first book either for free or greatly discounted is a good way to entice new readers who might not give you a second glance otherwise.

It’s important for authors to understand that there’s a gazillion books out there. Even with a track record, it can be difficult to be seen or heard through all the white noise. I think of free stories as the cost of doing business. I will say however, that a clear strategy should be employed. Only certain titles should ever be free with the occasional sale for a specific reason on others. But they should all be limited time offerings so as not to water down your own sales. Equate your book selling strategy to how established brands sell their products.

Sandy Wolters

I would never be presumptuous enough to tell another author how to promote their books. My books are priced very reasonably, so they are never listed anywhere for free.  I do, however, participate in giveaways and have been known to gift my books to people.  I also give my books to service men and women at no charge.

September Author Interview Answer #5: How do you felt when you managed to complete a book?

Hello everyone, I hope you have enjoyed reading the forth post in this interview series. This is the continuation of the interview with author Debby G. Kaye and Linda Gray Sexton. Please check their bios out via the links you can see below.

Let’s check out the answers for question #5 from them.

“How do you felt when you managed to complete a book?”

Author #1 D. G. Kaye

After completing my book, besides the feeling of accomplishment, I was very apprehensive about publishing it. I stalled the publication for a few weeks, even after it was ready for print. I had several conversations with my siblings for approval, making sure that they were okay with my publishing the book. At the time, I was scared that my mother might read it and consider having me sued. That thought instilled a new burden of guilt I felt; only this time, it was self-imposed. And yes, my mother was quite capable of doing something like that. Someone did tell her I wrote the book and her response was venomous. Thankfully, nothing ever came of her threats. When I did finally publish my book, it was exhilarating.

Author #2 Linda Sexton
I always feel an immense sense of relief that I have finished a completed work, delighted to have been able to have managed it, and proud.  It is liberating to feel you have told your own story fully and well and not been influenced by outsiders or critics.  In the end, it is pleasing yourself that matters.
Thank you for sharing your opinions. Keep up the good work and we all admire your work so much! So, keep writing!
I’ll be posting the answers to the sixth question next: “What was the best and worst criticism that you have received for your work?”
Share your thoughts and views below.

MARSocial Special Interview: Question & Answers #5

Hello everyone! So, finally we received all answers from our participants from MARSocial author network. Are you excited to read the answers yet? Question #5 is “There was recently a message on ‘Books and Writers’ saying ‘please stop giving your books away’. What do you feel about this?” from Kathy.

Let’s check out the answers from all 11 author participants !

1) Coleman Weeks

That is the beauty of self-publishing and being an indie, we can do as we like with our work, to each his own.

2) Viv Drewa

If it’s for a contest I think that’s OK. I did give my new releases away at first but decided not to anymore.

3) K. J. Rollinson

I am in agreement in giving your books away free. I do not publish to make money (although it would be great if I did). For me to be published is for my own satisfaction. Also, I think to promote your book for a free period, say for four weeks, can be an advertisement. I cannot remember the name, but one author recently promoted their book free on Amazon and was downloaded thousands of time and a publishing house picked up their book and it is now a best seller.

4) Sam Reese

I don’t know that I have an opinion one way or the other, though I will say that I think art should be shared and that an artist should be rewarded for his or her work. So, I hope that’s as clear as mud.

5) Neil McGowan

  As a writer, my goal is to reach as many readers as possible; as a reader, I know that I’m more likely to try an unknown author if I can read one of their books for free. I’ve discovered many great new authors like this, and have gone on to buy some of their other work. I think people can be put off trying books that fall slightly outside their usual choices if they have to pay for them – if they can be enticed to try new stuff for free, then I think everyone benefits – the reader gains a new writer and the writer gains a new reader. It’s great doing something I love and getting paid for it as well, but the pay check isn’t the reason I write. But I have to say, the sense of reward when someone pays you to read something you’ve written is fantastic.

6) Marion Lovato

Since I feel that I’m still new to the publishing industry, I often wondered why people would give their books away.  I know I need every penny I can make.  However, looking at the other side of the coin, if you can interest someone in your books with a free one, you would have a reader for life.

7) Jaro Berce

I would answer with my thought: »Knowledge is the only good that, when shared, there is more of it around and you don’t have any less of it!« and books are full of knowledge.

8) Marie Lavender

I am a total Libra on this topic.  I understand the message.  They are trying to discourage it because, as new or indie authors, we don’t reap any profits from it.  Although I do agree on some level, I also realize that word of mouth is everything in this business.  What better way to spread the word about your book than for a reader to tell his/her friends about it?  So, let me revise the original statement a bit.  “Don’t blatantly give your books away.”  Meaning, sure, offer a brief free period on Amazon.  And definitely promote it.  Run giveaways now and then with multi-author events if you find them.  Do a contest on your blog.  Don’t offer free books all the time because you’re devaluing your work.  But, do offer readers who haven’t even heard of you the chance to sample your work.

9) LaRae Parry

I feel who ever said that needs to mind his or her own business. Um, we can do whatever we want with our books. I was mad the other day and even threw mine. To each his own.

10) Theresa Moretimer

 I never saw the article so I really can’t comment on that one.

11) Annie Edmonds

Thanks Kathy, I haven’t read that article. This is one question I don’t mind answering. For a while now I have been watching writers give their books away for free. We’ve all done it. And I think it can be used as a tool to get readers to find out who we are. 
Or if you have a second book or a third to promote, then giving the first away is a good way to bring the readers to the writer’s work. And if giving your book away gets the readers to actually read our books how can it be wrong, Right? 
But then you have the writers that give every book they write away. So why would readers even search out books they have to pay for when they can get so many for free? And then do they even read those free books.  Or do the free books get pushed to the back of the list of books to read? I don’t know. 
Look, we know that for an authors story to hit the big leagues its like looking for a needle in a haystack. Everyday there’s more and more writers publishing their books. And Maybe we all should stick together and only give free books one month out of the year. Then maybe readers would search through the forest of books and hopefully find an author that might have never been discovered if not for having to pay for that book.  

The next question is “If you could be transported into one of your stories as a character, would you or would you stay as far away from it as possible?” from Sam Reese. Stay tuned with us for the next post !

June Author Interview Answer #5: “What makes you feel good writing a thriller/mystery novel? ”

We are now coming to the second question of the June Author Interview series. We had posted the answer for the first question recently. If  you have not read the post, do it so now to learn more about them. So, it’s time to check out the answers for the 5th question from the Murder Mystery/Thriller/Suspense/Horror genre participating in the group interview. “What makes you feel good writing a thriller/mystery novel? “
Just in case if you are wondering who we are interviewing this month, you can check out this link and get all your author friends from The Memoirs/Biography genre to participate in the next group interview.
1) Author #1: J. J. DiBenedetto
Getting the plot to come together in a way that’s satisfying and that makes sense.  I’m much more of a “pantser” than a plotter, so it’s always a pleasant surprise when I get to the end and things actually work out the way they need to!
2) Author #2: Fran Veal
I think that would be knowing I’m going to keep someone up at night reading it, hopefully freaking them out, and finally, giving them an opportunity to experience something that, hopefully, they would never have to face in real life.
3) Author #3: Jim Strait
 I like coming up with unlikely and extreme circumstances. Also, my military background allows me to write about men and women who have learned the importance of laboring for something larger than them and I like building characters that the readers can admire. I also like developing unique technologies that solve difficult problems. I guess on the whole I pretty content with the outcome of my works. I’m an author in progress…each work is a bit better than the previous and that is one realistic way of measuring success and happiness.  Probably, if we could magically know all of the worlds history we’d learn that none of us are actually writing anything totally new…but so far as it relates to my novels stories, I seem to be creating unique tales and that feels pretty satisfying.
4) Author #4: Kelli Sue Landon
It gets my blood pumping. When conflict arises, so does my excitement!
What do you think is so exciting about mystery novels? I look forward to reading your comments below.
Next, we will be revealing the answers for question #6 which is “Where do you get your inspiration to write your stories?”
Stay tuned for the next post! Thank you! 🙂

May Author Interview Answer #5: How was the impact of your book on the Young Adults?

Hello everyone! It’s time to reveal the answers for the fifth question for May Author Interview featuring 13 Young Adult authors. Answers for question #4 can be found here.
Just in case if you are wondering who we are interviewing this month, you can check out this link and get all your Crime Fiction/Horror/Mystery writers to participate in the next group interview.
So, the 5th question is “Why do you choose to write Young Adult books?”
1) Author #1 : Delshree Gladeen
I’ve been blessed to get to “meet” a lot of my readers through social media and I love hearing directly from them how my books have affected them. One of the common things I hear when they talk about my characters is how they’ve felt the same way my characters do at times. Sure, my readers may not be faced with being fated to destroy the world, but they know what it’s like to be an outcast. They may not be cursed with hunger for other people’s suffering, but they know what it’s like to feel different from everyone else. They may not be invisible (literally), but they know what it feels like to be the kid no one seems to know is there. It really touches me to hear them say that connecting with my characters made them feel like they weren’t alone in what they were feeling and that things could change for them.
2) Author #2: N.W. Harris
My desire is to get kids and adults reading. Otherwise, I just want to entertain and make the reader think a little. If they read my book, the first goal is achieved. Most seem to enjoy my story, so I suppose my desired impact was achieved.
3) Author #3: K.C. Finn
The Mind’s Eye was my first YA book, published by Clean Teen Publishing. The response was immense! I can’t get over how many messages and kind words I have received from readers all over the world who connected with the story of a young English girl set in World War 2. It’s been a big hit with the American School Library Journal which was a huge, glowing recommendation and it’s continuing to surprise me with the different kinds of people that connect to it, regardless of age, nationality or any other factor.
4) Author #4: M.J Cunningham
The impact of my first book, Reluctant Guardian, has been great. So many people have written to me telling me the cried the whole way through. I love that. A book that can make you laugh and cry is a success in my mind.
5) Author #5: Chrystal Vaughan
I wrote Dead in the Water for my students at the school where I work. I wanted to write something for them that was appropriate but also entertaining, something that my little sisters could read (they are teenagers and pre-teens) without too much graphic content or language.
6) Author #6: Jessica Tornese
I think some were pleased and really liked the story, but others had a hard time identifying with the setting- as it is a purely rural lifestyle. Overall, I have gotten positive remarks from groups, but the book has reached fans of all ages, which makes me even more proud. I never set out to write a trilogy, but people kept wanting more answers and really became involved with the characters in the first book.
7) Author #7: Amanda Strong
The best part of writing a book is feedback, hands down!  It makes my day every time someone lets me know they enjoyed my novel!  Before I published The Awakener I had the entire novel up on Wattpad for free reading, so I received feedback from many of thousands who’d read it.  I still remember one night my phone chiming I had a message.  I pulled it open to see a girl in Africa had just finished reading my book and was in tears over how it was just what she’d needed to restore her faith.  That message left me in tears.
8) Author #8: Erica Keifer
I enjoy writing with a purpose so Lingering Echoes has morals and values sprinkled within the emotional and mysterious storyline that touches on family relationships, friendships, love and healing. It’s still a fairly new book so I am eager to get it into the hands of more young adults. I hope the emotions of first-love, forgiveness and trust are topics that young adults can relate with, and that the storyline of Lingering Echoes will resonate with them. Moreover, keeping youth in mind, I kept the book clean of bad language and overly-descriptive intimacy so as not to limit my audience. I’m finding there is a lot of appreciation from readers who enjoy a “clean read”.
9) Author #9: Kelly Risser
Never Forgotten at its heart, is the story about a teenage girl coming to terms with her mother’s illness and settling into a new life in a different country. I am fortunate that I did not experience much grief as a teen, but I know many others have. Since then, I’ve had personal experience with loved ones suffering from cancer. It’s unbelievably painful. Never Forgotten may make you cry, but I hope it will also make you believe in possibilities, in forgiveness, and in the redemptive quality of love.
10) Author #10: Lauren Taylor

It’s hard to tell in these still early days but I have some wonderful feedback. My books cover some pretty intense subjects such as broken homes, verbal and physical abuse and issues of race to name a few. I have letters written to me relaying the effect my books had on them, giving them strength and perspective in trying times.

In terms of desired impact I would love The Woodlands Series to spark debates about racism, the female hero and why she doesn’t have to be a warrior to inspire and perhaps treating it as an example of a relationship based on mutual respect.

11) Author #11: Sherry D. Ficklin
For Losing Logan, I just want people to get the feeling that it’s ok to love someone and lose them. It’s not the end of the world. Life and love endures, even when it breaks your heart. It’s ok to let go sometimes.
12) Author #12: Sheenah Freitas

It’s been well received by the nerd/geek community, which is exactly what I wanted. My series takes itself seriously, but at the same time you can see all of the various shows and movies that’s influenced me in some way. There’s little Easter eggs (some are really subtle, others not so much) littered throughout the books and it’s so exciting when a reader recognizes them.

13) Author #13: Michael Thal

The desired impact of The Abduction of Joshua Bloom on young adults is to provide a moral code humanity will need to survive in the 21st Century. I want youngsters to look at society with different eyes—compassion, decency and cooperation—instead of greed and aggressiveness. Here’s a quote at the end of the book that illustrates what I’m talking about: Joshua says, “…the world will be at peace only when the people of our planet love their children more than they hate their neighbors.”

Stay tuned for the next post. Be sure to follow this website via email to get notified when new posts are being made.
Best regards,
Founder of International Book Promotion
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April Author Interview Answer #5 “Violence in Your story, YAY or NAY?”

Have you ever read a Romance or an Erotica book with violence being a part of the story? What do you personally feel? YAY or NAY? We have asked this question to all 7 authors as their stories are capable of shaping the mind of young readers. It’s time to know what all SEVEN Romance & Erotica authors think about this. Yesterday, we revealed the answers for Question #4 “If you write sex scenes, do you write it because you feel it is important to the story, or because you think you need one to sell the book? For those of you reading this post and not knowing what’s going on, we interviewed Romance and Erotica authors last month. You can click on the authors’ names below to learn about them more.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank all seven authors who took part in this author interview!

This month, we are interviewing Young Adult authors and if you have any questions for them, please send in your question via this link. It will take less than 5 minutes. I promise! 🙂 

Here is the answer to the 5th question: Have you ever incorporate violence in your story? What do you think of stories exhibiting male dominance? How detrimental is the effect of it to readers?

1) Author #1 Anne Conley

Sometimes violence is a great plot device to add conflict and suspense to a story, however it can be overdone, and I try to be careful about that.  I enjoy reading books with strong, dominant males, but have a hard time writing them.  To read a book with that sort of character, they need to be damaged somehow, have some sort of weakness to redeem by the end of the story. I don’t know the effect it would have on readers, generally, but I don’t enjoy reading about assholes who get the girl by being an asshole.

2) Author #2: Marie Lavender

That is a good question.  Truthfully, I abhor violence at all, but I know life is full of it.  I think that a violent hero might be necessary in certain situations, like in war or in the midst of protecting someone.  But, violence toward women or children is simply inexcusable.  It makes me really think back to the bodice rippers of the 60s or 70s because a lot of those tended to have male dominance.  I personally dealt with this issue in one of my own past relationships so it really hits home for me.  I think that it’s not necessary to have that kind of male dominance.  A real romance is a relationship between two people that have mutual respect for each other.  Having an arrogant character is one thing.  But, violence?  No, that’s not acceptable.  I can’t even stomach BDSM scenarios in erotica. Have I written about sensitive topics before?  Of course.  Because it’s out there, and it happens.  But, it doesn’t mean I want to show that it’s okay either.  The violence that happens in my books is done by other characters, by villains.  A hero should have some redeeming qualities even if he is a little dark, and he should certainly know how to treat a woman.

3) Author #3: Emily Eck

 There is violence in my books. As per questions three, my heroine is rather dominant. I know there are many alpha male books out there, and women eat them up. I think as a woman, it’s wired into our brains from prehistoric days to want a man to take care of us. In this day and age, women no longer need to be physically taken care of. What we are often looking for is a man to take care of us emotionally.  Sure, you have stories where women get kidnapped, are victims of violence, or other heinous acts to which the hero saves her from, essentially being her physical caretaker. To many women, I think this speaks to those prehistoric desires to have a man ready to lay his life on the line for his woman’s protection. Either way, in the romance genre, a weak hero is not going to sell. So a dominant male is commonplace. I personally do not care for weak heroines, though there are women out their who do. I have nothing against them, the books, they read, or their preference. To each their own. I know there are people who disliked my heroine’s aggressive nature. That’s fine. We are all different.

The sexual slavery theme seems to be all the rage. I personally cannot read it. I find it gives me nightmares. There may be a happy ending in the story for those fictional women, but I can’t read it long enough to get there. It makes my stomach roll. That being said, I don’t have issue with others who read this material. In the United States, we are more or less free to read what we please. I would never want to take the right away from someone. Unfortunately, in real life, sexual slavery is real, and there is no happily ever after for those women. 

4) Author #4: AJ Summer

Yes, I have violence in my stories. But just like with everything else that comes their way, my characters survive. They grow through it and come out stronger. 
How the reader experience this all depends on their own situation.
As for male dominance, if you aren’t into that type of read, then don’t read the book. I do believe the author should warn potential readers about it beforehand. 

5) Author #5: Lucien Bane

I like to demonstrate the right and wrong dominance in the Dom Wars Series. It’s important to strike that distinction in the mind of readers, it’s what they’re all wondering about. They’ve seen the wrong way glorified when in reality, there is nothing glorious about it. Show them the good dominance and the good pain, and they are able to choose what they want and not get fooled into the other.  

6) Author #6: Annie Edmonds

Yes I incorporate violence in my stories. And male dominance is prevalent in a book with BDSM. But there are men who will step over the line of Dominance and those are the men that are evil. 

They take advantage and use women for their own sick sexual pleasure. I write this kind of story because women should be aware of who they are submitting to before they decide to be submissive to any male. 

Trust is important in any relationship. But when that relationship involves kink or BDSM it’s even more important. And trust doesn’t happen over night. It takes time. 

This is something that I’ve learned a great deal about from the  community. Don’t go and meet a so called Dom who you’ve only spoken to over the phone or internet. 

To think he is going to be Christian Grey from Fifty shades or a Jake Monroe, or Mike Sloan from my books would be a huge mistake in real life.  

7) author #7: Larae Parry

Wow . . . this is deep. Yes. I incorporated violence in my story (The Danish Pastry). But, I swear Troy, the antagonist, wanted to do it.

I don’t think much about stories exhibiting male dominance—domination comes in all forms. For good fiction, the story must have conflict and tension—it doesn’t matter where or who it comes from.

I don’t know how detrimental the effect of male domination has on readers. I hope my readers realize they are reading fiction. Gulp.


Question #6 is Do you believe that Romance can shape the thoughts of the younger generation through their stories? Can they successfully convey their message to readers?

What do you think these authors’s will be? Watch out for the next post !

Signing out,


Founder of IBP