Sexy Six Authors Q&A #1:How do you promote your work?

After several months of silence at the monthly interview section, we’ve finally managed to resume the Q & A session, featuring authors that you definitely need to get to know a little bit more.

It’s a pleasure to interview the six sexy authors from the Sexy Six team. A warm welcome to our blog and we hope that you’ve enjoyed the interview session with us.

We’ve asked them a few questions and the answers for each question from all six of them will be published as a series. Let’s check out question #1

How do you promote your work?

Chris Lange 

Facebook and Twitter, sometimes Goodreads.

Leanore Elliott

Mostly Facebook and Guesting at 4 FB parties a month. In my early days, I did 6 blogspots a month for 2 straight years.

Jennifer Theriot

Social media ! Lately, I’ve found Twitter to be a great avenue. Of course, the traditional promotional sites like Robin Reads, The Midlist, and Book Bub are great as well.

Maggie Nash

I generally promote on Facebook, Twitter, Offer ARCs on Goodreads, and sometimes do blog posts on my friends blogs.

Morticia Knight

I use a combination of social media, blog posts, ads and attending author signing/book conventions. I don’t believe in pushing my book down everyone’s throat. I try to belong to groups on social media that are like-minded and also support fellow authors. It’s really a great community of people.

Sandy Wolters

Social Media, Blogs, Giveaways.

September Author Interview Answer #1: What is the goal in your writing career?

A warm welcome to the two ladies who have participated in the September Author Interview under the memoir/biography genre. They are Author Debby G. Kaye and Linda Sexton.

I must say that it was pretty difficult to find writers from this genre. As a fan of biography, autobiography, memoir and non-fiction books in general, I think these ladies have some very interesting viewpoints to the questions I had asked them for this interview ! Let’s check out the question #1 and the answers from them.

“As a Memoir author, have you ever felt restricted when you are writing? Have you ever changed some of the details of people, places or incidents in your book before? How does it feel to do so when you feel restricted when you actually wanted to write everything out as it is?”

Author #1 D. G. Kaye

When I first began writing my memoir, Conflicted Hearts, I was very apprehensive about publishing it. I did feel as though I found myself holding back with certain parts because I couldn’t stop envisioning personal family reading it. I especially felt guilty for exposing my mother’s shortcomings. But I kept writing with the mantra in my head ‘write what you know, edit later,’ to keep the words flowing. I was nervous about the fact that my mother may read my book, but as it turns out, she had no interest.

I wrote the book with the best of my recollection of the events that occurred. I did change the names of people in my life because I felt it was an invasion on their privacy to use their proper names. I don’t believe by altering the names and keeping the story in truth, makes it any less nonfiction.

I wanted to demonstrate what I had put up with my mother’s rule, and as my brother pointed out to me after he read it, he felt that I held back on some details about my mother. He was right. I didn’t write the book to exploit my mother. Unfortunately, because of her actions, I acquired all of my emotional baggage. But as much as I wanted to tell my story, I just didn’t have the heart to slam her by exposing many more unflattering things about her. I promised my brother that in my sequel to Conflicted Hearts, I would go into more detail and go deeper into my mother’s motives for her actions.

Author #2 Linda Sexton
When you write memoir, dealing with the truth, however subjectively, and with the privacy and feelings of people who are also portrayed, is always a problem.  My mother, the poet Anne Sexton, always counseled me to “tell it true” whenever I was writing and this is advice to which I have always tried to adhere.  I take into account others’ feelings and try to write my truth in a gentle way, choosing my words carefully, but I have never knowingly altered an event or a situation.  I have never changed the details, or places, or incidents in Searching for Mercy Street, or Half in Love, or Bespotted, even when I knew it might cause consternation or pain.  However, I have offered people anonymity as far as their names go and  a very few took me up on the it.  I think the best you can do with memoir is to tell the truth the way you see it, be as kind as is possible without distorting your truth, and also allow those involved to see either manuscript or galleys before the book is published so that they are prepared.  Never promise to change anything according to their reading or outlook or opinions, or you will be compromised—but offer them the chance to see what is coming.
I think it has always been a personal battle to write what you truly feel because you know people will read it unless you are writing a diary. Thank you for sharing your experience with us! 
I’ll be posting the answers to the second question next: “Why do you choose to write this genre and not anything else? What’s the reason or motivation behind it?”
Share your thoughts and views below.

MARSocial Special Interview: Question & Answers #1

Hello everyone! So, finally we received all answers from our participants from MARSocial author network. Are you excited to read the answers yet? Question #1 is from author Coleman Weeks and his question is “How do you promote your work?” 

Let’s see how all 11 author participants promote theirs!

1) Coleman Weeks

I promote socially and am always on the lookout for innovations in that sphere.

2) Viv Drewa

My first novels and stories I self-published. Now I have a publisher.

3) K. J. Rollinson

Facebook, Twitter, Google+, WordPress, Pinterest, Emails, my website, weekly marsocial dragon post blog, various writing groups. Social contacts. Car sticker. List of my books appear in every publication of my books, published on Amazon. My Amazon author’s page. Book Weeks organised by Wordplay Writers Forum at least once a year,(I am a member). Wordplay Writers Forum Web page, Occasionally articles appear in the local press, T.V. Choice Magazine, ‘Writing Magazine UK. Video on You Tube.

4) Sam Reese

In a variety of ways: Facebook groups, word-of-mouth, my website, my publisher’s website, etc. Pretty much any way I can promote I will try at least once.

5) Neil McGowan

   I use a combination of social media and promotional sites such as iauthor. It needs an investment of time to do, and sometimes it feels like an uphill battle, but it does bring results. I’ve also had some success with word-of-mouth, and through reading extracts or short stories at local events.

6) Marion Lovato

I promote my work through Social Media as well as websites that accept excerpts or offer promotion for free.

7) Jaro Berce

I use several different channels ranging from conferences to blogs. Conferences are mostly more professional oriented but my blog and guest blogs are more opened to topics. Also TV and local media work fine for personal promotion. The hardest part in promotion is what I’ve finally found out, i.e. it is not about promoting oneself but your book or writings. 

8) Marie Lavender

I do whatever I can.  I make as many connections as possible on the various social networks.  I post about my books, but I also post about regular things too.  I do author interviews, character interviews and guest posts whenever I can on other blogs or sites.  I also post on my three blogs frequently.  I have author profiles in various places.  I also take out book cover ads on different sites.

9) LaRae Parry

To launch a new release, I do a Facebook Event announcing the new book. For my latest release, I offered a four-day free download. That shot my book to Amazon’s #1 ranking in the two categories it was listed it. That really helped.

10) Theresa Moretimer

 I Tweet, use Facebook, Blog and have a magnet of my book on the side of my car that has a picture of the cover of my book, w/ the title and my name and website.

11) Annie Edmonds

Good one to start things off Coleman. I promote my work the old fashioned way, and it’s hard work.  I do have help when someone shares my book or blog. But mostly it’s me sharing to twitter, Facebook, Google, And my blogs.  
I also had Jas and her team at make a trailer for my book and that has been an amazing tool. 

The next question is from Theresa and her question is “What made you choose the genre you write?” Stay tuned with us for the next post tomorrow!

June Author Interview Answer #1: Do You Usually Write Mystery/Thriller/Suspense Novels

Hello everyone! We apologize for the delay in posting the answers for the June Author Interview. So, we had four awesome writers from the Murder Mystery/Thriller/Suspense/Horror genre participating in the group interview. It’s time to reveal the answers from them for all 7 questions we had asked them before.
Just in case if you are wondering who we are interviewing this month, you can check out this link and get all your author friends from The Memoirs/Biography genre to participate in the next group interview.
The very first question we asked to all 4 authors is “Do you usually write this genre or do you also write anything else other than mystery and thriller?” and let’s see what else inspired all of them to write.
1) Author #1: J. J. DiBenedetto
Right now, this is the story that’s in my head, so it’s what I’m writing.  I didn’t set out to write this genre – it’s just what came to me.  Before I started the Dream Series books, I thought of myself first as a science fiction writer (or at least that’s what I hoped I could do!).
2) Author #2: Fran Veal
I really love mystery and thriller, but I also write in other genres, such as YA – primarily coming of age. In fact, sometimes (okay, usually) my stories are YA Mystery/Thriller/Coming of Age. How’s that for a genre?
3) Author #3: Jim Strait
I began writing professionally by spending eight weeks in the state of Missouri where I drove 8,500 miles, visited over 300 venues, spoke to many hundreds of Missourians, took 2,700 pictures, and then sat down for three months to write “Weird Missouri”. It’s a travel guide to Missouri’s local legends and best kept secrets. It was a very nice way to enter the field of professional writing, being one of the family of a very successful line of “Weird” titles. That experience provided some momentum for me to write my first novel, “Deja vu All Over Again”…an action adventure novel taking place during the final 57 hours before the calendar turned 12-21-2012. I’ve since written two additional action adventure stories, “WORLD WAR III, Not How You Imagined” released in May 2014, and “Thomas Jefferson is Missing” to be released during the 2106 US presidential campaign. I’m currently working on another action title, “Vector”.
4) Author #4: Kelli Sue Landon
Only the mystery/thriller genre mixed with light comedy or horror.
So, what do you think of mystery/thriller/suspense writers? Do you think they write good stories from other genre? Share your thoughts below. I look forward to reading your comments below.
Next, we will be revealing the answers for question #2 which is “Who is your favorite mystery/suspense/thriller writer of all time?”
Stay tuned for the next post! Thank you! 🙂

May Author Interview Answer #1: 1) What Was Your Inspiration To Write A Book?

Hello everyone! It’s time to reveal the answers for 7 questions we have asked to all 13 author participants of the May Group Author Interview! The support from Young Adult authors was amazing as we have thirteen authors participating in this group author interview. Just in case if you are wondering who we are interviewing this month, you can check out this link and get all your Crime Fiction/Horror/Mystery writers to participate in the next group interview.
The very first question we asked to all 13 authors is “what was your inspiration to write a book?” and let’s see what inspired all of them to write.
1) Author #1 : Delshree Gladeen
I get inspiration for my books from all kinds of strange places. Sometimes it’s something crazy one of my kids says, or it might be song lyrics, a book, a movie I watched that I thought should have gone a different direction, a painting, a random news headline. Really, anything that makes me stop and think, “I wonder what would happen if …” One of my newest books, Wicked Hunger, was inspired by two words from a Jim Butcher novel. The two words were, “Godling Hunger”
2) Author #2: N.W. Harris
The Last Orphans has been brewing in my mind for years. I grew up in the South and wanted to write a story set there, but didn’t want to do it too early in my writing career. I wanted to work on my craft, writing stories that forced me to focus on character, integrating setting into the story in a meaningful way, and story in general. A little over a year ago, I outlined The Last Orphans, feeling like I was ready to tackle my book set in the South. Growing up in the Bible Belt, the apocalypse was something that was brought up frequently in church, so naturally, it is an element in the book. I also have an extensive background in anthropology and the sciences, so I like to tie that in to my religious upbringing. But more importantly, the Southern setting, the way the characters interact and behave, their hopes, dreams and insecurities, my inspiration for those things and even the fictional city of Leeville comes directly from my childhood.
3) Author #3: K.C. Finn
I write a lot in general because I get ideas and I love words, so I have had thousands of words lying around for the last ten years without ever consciously deciding to write an actual book. Right at the end of 2012, I started a particular story which later became The Atomic Circus, my first proper book. It was the first story that I made a real commitment to completing and once I’d finished it I had a huge sense of personal accomplishment. I guess you could say I’m a bit addicted to that feeling now!
4) Author #4: M.E Cunningham
I just wanted to try it out. I had a couple of friends who had done it, and I figured, how hard could it be? LOL
5) Author #5: Chrystal Vaughan
I have been a writer since I was very young. Dead in the Water was inspired by my students (I work in a high school).
6) Author #6: Jessica Tornese
I really have a strong connection to my family and their stories of surviving and growing up stuck with me. I wanted to pay tribute to my Dad’s honest way of growing up and the real hardships people faced then.
7) Author #7: Amanda Strong
Honestly, it all began with a dream as cliché as that sounds!  I saw my two main characters holding hands while a spiritual being breaks through to this side. I wanted my ‘angel-themed’ book to be unique, maybe offer a different side to the popular fallen angel market.  I dove head first into research, and having always been fascinated by the City of Enoch, I read from the Book of Enoch itself.  (Not exactly light reading.)  From there and several other accounts, I pieced together the story of the fallen angels known as The Watchers.  (Crazy watching the movie Noah and being like wait a minute…that’s not what The Watchers are!  Sigh…guess all of us consider ourselves experts of our own stories.)  I am captivated by The Watchers, and weave their story into this modern day series.  Throwing my characters into an ancient war that began long ago between angels, demons, and the fallen ones.
8) Author #8: Erica Keifer
The first scene came to mind years ago when I was in college. It was a crisp, fall day and as I walked to class, the wind and swirling leaves at my feet created a scenario in my head. When I became bored during my humanities class, instead of taking notes, I started writing a descriptive scene that was intended to simply end as a piece of poetry. Instead, I couldn’t stop thinking about this girl who I envisioned in my head, grieving beside a river on a cloudy, cold day. (I even kept thinking about it while on a rugby road trip, of all things!) I didn’t know until a couple years later when I picked up that piece of writing again that this poetic scene would transform into chapter two of Lingering Echoes.
9) Author #9: Kelly Risser
I always wanted to write a book. From a young age, I wrote greeting cards, magazines, short stories and poetry that I shared with friends and family. I continued that creative writing in high school with stories published in the local paper. One day, my best friend’s mom told me  that I would write romance novels, and she planned to read every one. Through the years, as my life and career took my away from creative writing and into the less-creative, but sometimes more lucrative business writing, she was one of the ones who always encouraged me to get back to my dream and write that book.
10) Author #10: Lauren Taylor
The Woodlands was born from a lack of any other creative outlet. I had always thrown myself into designing and renovating our home. Suddenly we found ourselves homeless due to unfortunate circumstances and had to move in with my parents for six months. Unable to do anything else I decided to sit down and start writing. It came so effortlessly that I just kept going, never intending to write a book until that’s what I had!
11) Author #11: Sherry D. Ficklin
It’s different for each project, but it always starts with a spark. The spark can come from anywhere, a song, a documentary, even something as simple as a dress in a store window.
12) Author #12: Sheenah Freitas

I was inspired to start writing my series from this 3 night long continuous dream I had when I was in high school. The entire dream sequence covers about the first two to three chapters of THE CHOSEN. The more I thought about it, the more intrigued I became with it. So after the third night of this happening, instead of taking social studies notes, I started writing it down. Apparently writing down your dreams ruins the chain of continuous dream sequencing because that night was dreamless. I was then stuck wondering what was going to happen to these characters? I had to know if the main girl, Kaia, was going to do this quest or not, so I began writing down her story.


13) Author #13: Michael Thal

The inspiration to writing The Abduction of Joshua Bloom, was a dream. I woke up in the middle of the night and jotted notes about being abducted by a starship filled with alien women.

April Author Interview Answer #1

Hello everyone! So, it is time to reveal the answers for our April author interview session. We interviewed Romance and Erotica authors last month. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all seven authors who took part in this author interview!

Here is the answer to the first question: Do you plan the characters in your story? Do you believe that strong characters should resemble real-life people?

1) Author #1 Anne Conley

Absolutely.  The one book I wrote freely, with no planning, was a disaster.  J  I feel like characters should resemble real life people that readers can relate to, so I write my own stories with that in mind, giving characters real problems.  Most of my characters are in their thirties and forties, with real jobs.  I’ve never really spent much time with CEOs or billionaires, so I don’t write about them.

2) Author #2: Marie Lavender

Most of my story ideas come to me in the form of dialogue or full scenes so I wouldn’t say the characters are exactly planned.  Their personalities do come out in the writing of the book or story.  I do a major character work-up when I am more focused on the project; when I do that, I try to figure out the character’s secrets or how they would react to certain situations as well as their background.  I do believe that characters should be complex and as close to real people as we can make them.  I don’t usually base them on anyone in my life, but I do want readers to relate to them.

3) Author #3: Emily Eck

Most of my characters are based on someone in my life, or a mash-up of people. When I am coming up with a side character, I draw on people I have met. If I need an aggressive person, I will go through my mental Rolodex of people I’ve met to pull traits for that character. If I need someone more passive, I do the same. 

My primary characters tend to be based more so on a single person, although sometimes a side character demands to be heard and ends up in a more visible role in the story. When this happens, they tend to already have developed their personality in my mind and are easy to write. 

In regards to if strong characters should resemble real-life people, I think it’s to each their own. There are so many different books out there, so many different story lines, that I feel it is unfair to make hard and fast rules about characterization. We all like different things. I can give a book 5 stars, and someone else gives it 1 star. Who am I to say what someone else should read or like? I think the diversity of books available represents the diversity of the world we live in. 

4) Author #4: AJ Summer

No – they kind of just happen as I write. I do use some of the quirks and oddities of real people I know to make my characters seem more real.

5) Author #5: Lucien Bane

The characters in Dom Wars are a fictional form of my life.

6) Author #6: Annie Edmonds

 I do believe the strong characters should resemble real-life people. I plan the hero or main characters in my books but as I write and the story evolves the character’s come alive. 

You will see their flaws, their fears. Why they are who they are. Sometimes or most time I surprise myself as to how the story unfolds. 

7) author #7: Larae Parry

Um, that’s two questions, but I’ll answer both truthfully and honestly.   Yes. I plan the characters in my stories. Sometimes, however, some characters just show up and I have to make room for them. I love it when characters pop in.

I believe all characters, whether strong or not should be realistic—not cardboard. Even the strongest character has flaws. Even the weakest character has strengths. For readers to be able to connect, all characters must emit some kind of quality—even if it isn’t written outright, but implied instead. As writers, we need to ask ourselves, “Why should the reader care?”

Question #2 is “Do you have a specific goal to achieve through your stories or is your story just for pure fun?”

What do you think these authors’s will be? Watch out for the next post !

Signing out,


Founder of IBP